There are two main options for selling your Georgia Mobile Home without land:
1. Retail
2. Wholesale/ Investor
In the traditional retail market, you can have an agent sell the home for you or do it yourself as a “for sale by owner” (FSBO). You (or you and your agent) will set a price depending on what is included with your home (appliances, repairs, moving cost) and then market the home to the general public. Ways to market your home may include: Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, a sign in the front yard of your home, placing signs around town, and other online marketplaces like Please keep in mind if you are selling your mobile home without land that most real estate agents will not be willing or able to help. Be sure to make sure your agent knows about mobile home moving laws, cost, and procedure before choosing one to assist you with your sale.
- Get maximum money for your home
- It will take longer to sell
- Multiple showing
- The buyer will be less experienced with the process of buying a mobile home
- Paperwork/title issues
- Moving complications/ issues
- Limited funds
The biggest benefit of selling your mobile home on the Georgia retail market is that the general public will be willing to buy your home for more than a wholesaler or investor. The most difficult parts of selling your home on the retail market all relate to selling to inexperienced buyers. Buying a mobile home in Georgia can be complicated. Georgia zoning laws change from county to county and city to city. The laws around mobile home requirements in Augusta, GA are much different than the ones in Macon, GA. Certain Georgia counties such as Jackson County, GA, and Bartow County, GA have strict mobile home laws that aim to prevent buyers from moving in single-wide manufactured homes. Moving a mobile home is also a very expensive and complicated project. Many buyers greatly underestimate the cost of moving a mobile home. Every month Mobile Home Gone buys mobile homes from former buyers who purchased a mobile home but then did not have the money or the proper zoning to have the mobile home moved to their land. Situations like these also involve angry landowners / former sellers.
Your Mobile Home Cash Offer
In the wholesale market, you will potentially sell faster and with fewer fees than associated in the traditional market. The selling price may be lower due to the cost of moving your home and having to find a new buyer. The wholesaler will not be taking the park’s location or perks into account, which may improve the offer price.
- Professional Buyer
- Understands moving cost
- Understands local mobile home laws
- Can help with manufactured home title issues
- Lower offer price
Opposite of the pros and cons for selling your mobile home on the retail market, selling your mobile home to a wholesaler is all about convenience and professionalism. An experienced wholesaler should be knowledgeable about mobile home moving costs, Georgia manufactured home laws, and be able to buy your mobile home quickly. The biggest downside to selling to a mobile home wholesaler is getting a lower price for your manufactured home. If the price is your number one motivation and you have plenty of time to sell your mobile home, selling to an investor/ wholesaler may not be right for you.
Other Options: Consignment
Consignment is another option for selling your mobile home! Most companies don’t do consignments because they do not have the buyers list or marketing power to perform on the guaranteed price provided by a consignment agreement. Here a Mobile Home Gone we are mobile home cash buyers, but we also offer listing and consignment services. Consignments are similar to listing your mobile home but the price you get is guaranteed. The idea of consignment comes from the traditional consignment shop business model.
An easy example of a consignment would be the following:
You agree to have Mobile Home Gone market your manufactured home as a consignment. The fair, guaranteed, price you agree on is that MHG will pay you $10,000 when the home is sold. It is then up to MHG to go and sell the manufactured home within the length of the consignment agreement (usually between 14-30 days).
Mobile Home Gone is entitled to all monies above the agreed-upon price. So if Mobile Home Gone sells the home for $10,500 then you will get $10,000 for your home and MHG will be paid $500 for their service. The benefit of an assignment agreement is unlike a listing, your price is guaranteed! So whether the home sells for $10,500 or $10,001 you get paid the $10,000 that was agreed on.
(Please, remember that $10,000 was just an arbitrary number used in this example and the price of each Georgia mobile home varies individually.)
If you need to sell your mobile home anywhere in Georgia we would love to make you a cash offer or assist you in selling! We are currently buy manufactured homes in Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Columbus, Albany, Valdosta, Athens, Rome, Statesboro, Dalton and Gainesville, GA, and many of the smaller surrounding cities across Georgia.