In Georgia, there are over a hundred fire-related fatalities each year. Our fire fatality rate is almost 30% higher than the national average, and residents of mobile homes and rural locations are at considerably greater risk. In comparison to fires in single- and two-family homes, mobile home fires result in three times as many fatalities. Less than seven people per 1,000 fires will perish in single- or two-family homes, but 21 people per 1,000 flames will perish in mobile homes. The main cause of the issue is the speed with which a fire spreads through a mobile home’s contents while the building’s own construction enhances heat and smoke buildup. Additionally, compared to a regular home, mobile homes typically have fewer safe exits. In Georgia, there are safety measures you can take if you live in a mobile home. Keep an eye out for potential fire hazards in your mobile home. We provide the following recommendations in order to improve fire safety in mobile homes:
Precautions if You Have a Smoker in Your House
- First, if you smoke, use smoking materials with utmost caution. Never light up in bed. Do not even smoke in that large, nice easy chair if you are feeling fatigued. Use sturdy ashtrays that will not topple over and are always big enough to hold your cigar or cigarette.
- To prevent fires, ask smokers to smoke outside if they are present inside your home. Set out sizable, non-tipping ashtrays wherever people smoke, and be sure to clear them frequently. Look for smoldering butts in the furniture and under the cushions. Read additional advice about smoking safety.
Be Careful While Cooking
- The most common reason for cooking fires in Georgian homes is unattended cooking. In the kitchen, when cooking anything on the stove, keep an eye on older kids who are cooking. Maintain clean cooking surfaces and keep anything that can catch fire far from the range. If you suffer an oil fire, know how to quickly slide a lid over the pan. Read additional advice about cooking safety.
Avoid Loading up Electrical Outlets
- Electrical system issues account for fires in mobile homes twice as often as in conventional homes. Take precautions by keeping an eye on your power usage. Keep the usage of other electrical devices to a minimum when using one strong appliance, such as iron. Likewise, never leave any electrical equipment running alone.
- If you have frequent blown circuits, flickering lights, or a “hot” odor when utilizing electricity, call a certified electrician. Extension cords should only be used as a temporary convenience, never as a long-term fix.
Don’t Leave Your Child Alone
- Never leave children unattended, not even for a brief walk to the market or the house of a neighbor. Once a fire spreads in a mobile home, it is almost certainly going to be fatal. It only takes a few seconds for inquiry to turn to tragedy. The infant will be trapped by fire as it quickly spreads. It might already be too late by the time you get home.
Keep Functioning Smoke Alarms
- Ensure you have an adequate number of smoke alarms and that they are functional. Smoke alarms should never be turned off or removed. Consider moving the alarm further away from steam or cooking odors in the bathroom if you frequently get nuisance alarms. Choosing a photoelectric smoke detector for the rooms closest to the kitchen and bathroom may lessen the frequency of annoying alarms.
- To test the detector’s batteries and their responsiveness to smoke, press the test button and blow some smoke into it. Don’t gamble with your family’s safety. Do not forget to change the smoke detector batteries at least once every year.
Make an Escape Plan
- Prepare your escape plan in advance in case of a fire. Create an escape strategy that incorporates multiple exits from each room. Make sure you can open the windows and doors and leave.
General Safety Tips
Keep all lighters and matches out of children’s reach. Lock candles and lighters up as well if you frequently have small children in your home. Fuel, mineral spirits, lubricants, and nail polish erasers are all examples of flammable substances that should be stored and used correctly away from open flames. Never keep gasoline inside your house, and never use it for anything other than igniting combustion engines! Never bury anything flammable under your mobile home. Thus you can take measures to prevent fire in your mobile home in Georgia.