Updated: 03/15/2021 @ 6:50 PM EST
Selling your mobile without land in Georgia can be difficult. Below are some general tips for selling your mobile home without land. Whether you’re selling a mobile home that must be moved in Albany, GA, or selling a mobile home inside a park near Augusta, GA these tips should help you avoid some of the headaches of selling a mobile home that doesn’t include the land.
One other thing to note before you read these tips is to remember that every market is a little different even within the state of Georgia. For example, a mobile homeowner looking to sell their mobile home in Macon, GA, and have it moved off their land may have an easier time finding a buyer for their home than a homeowner in Hinesville, GA. This is because there are fewer zoning and building restrictions of buyers in the Macon, GA area. However, there are fewer mover in the Macon market, meaning that finding a buyer may be the easy part, but getting it removed from your land could prove to be difficult.
If you need help with any of these barriers to selling your mobile home please feel free to reach out to the team here at Mobile Home Gone. We would love to give you a fair cash offer on your mobile home or assist you with some of our listing services.
Mobile Home Cash Offer
Looking to sell your mobile home on rented land or one that must be moved? Fill out the information below to get started or call 762-218-2284.Advertise:
It’s time to decide how you would like to start advertising for buyers!
FSBO Sign: A “For Sale by Owner” sign should be displayed where it can be easily seen, like in a front window or yard.
Online: Websites like Craigslist.com, Facebook Marketplace and Trulia.com can be useful for advertising. These are free sites for buyers to look at.
Newspapers: Advertise in local community newspapers in the “For Sale” sections. If you are renting then make sure to advertise in the “For Rent” section.
Yard Signs: Create yard signs from your local home improvement store, using a black sharpie.
Do Not be Bullied
It is vitally important to know the value of your home, and demand a fair price. On the other hand, you shouldn’t overvalue what your home is worth. Seek fair win/win offers that allow both the buyer and seller to get what they want. If you decide to sell on payments, remember YOU are in control. Be sure to prescreen every
buyer that says they want the home. Your mobile home park will also likely want to prescreen this buyer, but you need to investigate their background personally. Many websites offer cheap screening to check for criminal history, credit history, eviction history, and sexual predator status. Ideally, you will find “0” concerning results.
Settling for all-cash you are in less control- so know the minimum amount you will accept for a fast cash sale. Be sure to consider all the costs the buyer will be taking on. Examples like back lot rent, moving cost, and repairs should all be taken into consideration of price.
Verify the Buyer Has Funds!
Before selling your mobile home for all cash you will want to verify the buyer actually has their funds available. This also makes certain no buyer is wasting your time with dishonest offers.
Follow Up With the Landlord (Rented Land)
Within 48 hours of you and the buyer’s verbal agreement, your buyers should work to get approval from the park. If this is not in process within 48 hours, the buyer may be stalling. Before you stop advertising and showing the home, make sure the buyer has been approved by the park. Wait until the park manager tells you the buyer has been approved to move in before you stop talking to prospective buyers.
Closing documents
Seller’s Information Sheet (Only if Accepting Monthly Payments): This is a general
information sheet with the seller’s information. Collect everything like names, dates of birth, social security numbers, job history, current job info, W-2’s, and bank account information. You will need similar information to perform background checks.
Bill of Sale: This is the mobile home version of the HUD-1 closing statement. A bill of sale will describe the terms of the sale, how much was paid, if the home was warranted, and if fixtures or appliances were included. This will also include the mobile home year, vehicle registration number, serial numbers, address, dimensions, and make and model of the home. You keep a copy
and the buyer retains a copy.
Promissory Note (Only if Accepting Monthly Payments): This is an optional form to specify details of the payment instructions, financed amount, and payback terms. It is vitally important to follow the SAFE act and TIL (Truth in Lending) practices. You keep an original and the buyer gets a copy.
Agreement After Closing: Only use this if you are remaining in the property for a short while after the buyer purchases the home. The agreement after closing states that:
- You will be remaining in the home after purchase.
- That you have “X” number of days to leave.
- When you leave you will leave the home clean.
- That the buyer will pay you the remaining balance when you leave and take the
- You keep a copy and the buyer keeps the original.
Closing Appointments
This is when you will be signing all the paperwork and giving the titles to the buyers. If they are making payments make sure they go to the DMV (or other mobile home titling authority done in your state) to ensure the buyers add your name as “Lein holder” to the new title.
In addition, you will need to give the DMV your address to mail you the original title. You will hold the original title until you are paid every dime in full. Be aware it may be good to have a notary available for
*Insurance: If you choose to accept monthly payments, make sure the buyers have insurance in case of damages. The buyers should add you to their policy as “Additionally Insured”. This will likely not be very expensive for the buyers and will make sure you are insured for any unforeseen circumstances.
I hope you found this information informative. If you have any further questions or are just looking for help navigating this process, please reach out we would love to help!