5 Mistakes Not To Make When Selling Your Mobile Home

We’ve all made mistakes before, however in this article I’ll cover the top 5 mistakes you don’t want to make when selling your mobile home anywhere in Georgia.

The following is a list of typical (and costly) sales mistakes mobile home sellers are likely to make. In many situations, sellers are unaware of or refuse to accept these mistakes. Whether it’s losing potential earnings, creating worry, or wasting time by not speaking with potential purchasers, these blunders and hazards may be avoided by just reading further.

1. Poor Advertising

Good mobile home advertising, whether through the internet, word of mouth, newspaper, or Craigslist, takes time, planning, and a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Include as many photos as possible and make sure they are clear and concise.

Do not forget to include a detailed description of the lot size, utilities available, and financing options available. The more relevant details you put, the better. You never know what crucial information a prospective buyer will miss otherwise.

2. Unrealistic Expectations

Some sellers can be described as “stubborn.” There are few “mobile home authorities” in Georgia in many parts of the country where a mobile home seller may get an accurate price for their particular property. The local park manager (if the property is located in a park) is usually the first source of information, followed by a nearby real estate agency. Due to a severe lack of knowledge, many sellers may first overprice their houses and get confident in their supposedly “fair” asking prices.

After 5-10 potential buyers have looked through your property, ask for feedback and whether they want to get authorized or buy your property for sale. Really pay attention to this feedback, and if potential customers frequently complain about one issue, it may be a good idea to drop the price accordingly. Remember that time is money, and the longer you keep this house, the more money you will invest in holding charges.

3. Lack of Curb Appeal

The first impression is the last impression. When potential buyers drive up to your property, what can they see? What do they think?

Mobile Home Selling Mistakes
Lack Of Curb Appeal Won’t Help You in Selling Your Mobile Home

A well-furnished mobile home with a well-decorated exterior, tasteful furnishings, and no garbage in the yard will fetch a better price than an unkempt one. Turn the potential buyer’s attention to the value they can find in your manufactured home. If they feel they can get a good deal on your mobile home, they will be more likely to buy it.

4. Inspection

Another typical mistake mobile home sellers make is failing to get a pre-inspection in Georgia. Unless you’re selling a new manufactured home, it’s worthwhile to have a pre-inspection so you know what to expect in terms of time and money for any needed repairs. Make sure you have this done, otherwise you may be weeks into a contract with your buyer, looking to qualify for a mortgage from a lender. Without the inspection you could have the deal fall through when the house fails the inspection. 

Mobile Home Inspections in Georgia

5. Failing to Ensure the Transfer Was Completed

Some buyers may fail to transfer ownership from the seller’s name to their own. In most cases, the sellers and existing owners are still liable for taxes and any legal concerns relating to the property. This may make them uneasy, leading to them missing important steps in the after-sales procedure.

Georgia Mobile Home Title

By going with the buyers to transfer the title directly, you may keep control of the transaction and ensure that title ownership has been successfully transferred.

Disclaimer: In many states, mobile home sellers are not required to physically present ID when transferring a title from party A to party B at the local DMV.


As most of the above mistakes are made by new buyers and sellers, the mobile home market is a very dynamic and constantly changing industry. With the information and knowledge of common mistakes made by mobile home buyers and sellers, these issues can be easily avoided.

Mobile Home Gone buys and sells mobile homes in Georgia! If you want to sell a mobile home quickly and for cash, sell to us today!

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